DREAMS PERVERTED one day the sun out on a mundane Monday morning when it just rained a little bit prior and it just sustained off in the distance a mist and a rainbow shown for an instant a living light, a pocket, a prism a vision -- so quickly I realized my mind and my eyes done tricked me why can't I survey my surroundings without me doubting? just keep counting the ways that perception perpeates in all direction to the point there's no exception it's like unless you're locked in an airtight box the parasites are gonna get in your thoughts even if you take the injections you can't escape the infections ah ha, I'm talking to my, I'm talking to my, I'm talking to myself I'm talking to my, I'm talking to my, I'm talking to myself I'm talking to my, I'm talking to my, I'm talking to myself I'm talking to my, I'm talking to my, I'm talking to my [I felt like I was losing control] [nightmares] [they wouldn't listen and they put me here] [during the day, they let me out with the others] [we sit in the sun and wait] [we sleep and we dream] [I fell in and out of half dreams] [sleep, nightmares, dreams perverted] [I remember my father saying you're about to awaken when you dream that you're dreaming]